Alamat Pt Nissin Kogyo Batam. Basic information about PTNissinKogyoBatam Company name NissinKogyoBatam Address BATAMINDO INDUSTRIAL PARK JL ANGSANA LOT 284285 MUKA KUNING City Kepulauan Riau Business number 18964 Get updates when we include new data and features to Compani.
Pt Nissin Kogyo Batam Kepulauan Riau Telepon 62 770 611489 from
NissinKogyoBatam Kota BatamNissinKogyoBatam – Perusahaan Indonesia dengan nomor registrasi 2/000156 diterbitkan pada tahun 2019 Alamat terdaftar BATAMINDO INDUSTRIAL PARK JL ANGSANA LOT 284285 MUKA KUNING Nomor telepon perusahaan Detail Perusahaan Badan Hukum NissinKogyoBatam Lokasi.
Perusahaan Elektronik di Batam, NISSIN KOGYO BATAM, PT
Perusahaan Elektronik di Batam NISSIN KOGYOBATAMPT October 23 2014 November 11 2014 admincantik 0 Comment Alamat Kantor Pusat & Pabrik BATAMINDO INDUSTRIAL PARK Jalan Beringin No 270 Muka Kuning Batam 29433 Riau Phones – (0770) 611489 (Hunting.
Company Name PTNISSIN KOGYO BATAM Address Jl Angsana Lot 284285 Batamindo Industrial Park Muka Kuning Batam 29433 Indonesia Tel (62770) 611494 611489 Company Name PTNISSIN KOGYO BATAMTel (62770) 611494 611489Fax (62770) 611495.
PT. Nissin Kogyo Batam detailed incorporation information
NissinKogyoBatamPT Batamindo Industrial Park Muka Kuning Kav 8Jl Beringin Lot 270 MukakuningBatam 29433 RiauIndonesia Riau Fax(0770) 611495 Telp(0770) 611494 Telp(0770) 611489 Television picture tube.
Pt Nissin Kogyo Batam Kepulauan Riau Telepon 62 770 611489
Beduk Pt.nissin Kogyo Batam Muka Kuning, Sei · Jalan Angsana,
Nissin Kogyo Batam Kota Batam alamat, direktur, kontak.
PT. – Nissin Kogyo Batam,
PTNISSIN KOGYO BATAM Average Rating 45 Place Address Jalan Angsana Muka Kuning Sei Beduk Kota Batam Kepulauan Riau 29433 Indonesia Vicinity Jalan Angsana Muka Kuning Phone Number (0770) 611489 International Phone +62 770 611489 Website Average Rating 45Vicinity Jalan Angsana Muka KuningPlace Name PTNISSIN KOGYO BATAM.