Batik Merak. Merak Abyorhokokai | IWareBatik Home / Indonesian Batik – Thematic Meanings – Ethnic Identity / Merak Abyorhokokai Bali Province – Indonesia Meanings This peacock batik motif depicts the bird’s beauty as the focal point of the fabric and it is further enhanced by delicate flower petals resembling cherry blossoms.

The merak or peacock is considered to be the king of the birds It represents beauty strength and elegance in daily behaviour and attitude This colourful pattern is characteristic of the batik produced in areas in Java’s northern coast Note All contents and batik images are protected by Indonesian cultural property law.
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Sketsa Batik Burung Burung merak bukanlah satusatunya burung yang bisa ditemukan pada kain batik Burung garuda juga banyak ditemukan pada motif batik klasik 1 Burung Merak WarnaWarni pada Latar Hitam Pola ini sangat menarik karena kontras yang diciptakan antara latar hitam dan burung merak warnawarni 2 Batik Garuda Motif batik ini terlihat sangat elegan.
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Merak Ngibing Batik Merak Ngibing means Peacock dancing This motif depicts a pair of peacocks who are dancing together Usually the dancing peacock is drawn in large sizes and wrapped in various J By Juzma Asset data Popularity High Usage Commonly used Insight Usage and Popularity show how the Shutterstock community is engaging with this asset.
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See more of Batik Merak Manis on Facebook Log In Forgot account? or Create new account Not now Batik Merak Manis Clothing Store in Surakarta 43 43 out of 5 stars Community See All 203 people like this 216 people follow this 367 checkins About See All JLSidoluhur 19 Laweyan Solo (843582 mi) Surakarta Central Java Indonesia 57148 Get Directions +62 271.
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12 Merk Batik Terkenal di Indonesia Tokopedia Blog
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