Cement Plaster Interior Walls. On the interior part of these walls (inside the house) some layers of plaster followed by a layer of oil paint or any other paint is applied Having read somewhere that these paints are toxic I wonder whether I can use cement/concrete as a coating for the interior part of the wall.

Cement plaster is a mixture of water fine aggregates and Portland cement Cement and sand are mixed in different amounts to obtain the cement plaster For interior walls a single coat of plaster is usually enough for a nice surface Many coats are used depending on the thickness of plaster and the nature of the surface.
Interior, tips exterior stucco or cement plaster be used
Plaster a Concrete Wall Applying plaster to a concrete wall can change its appearance level it make it more moistureresistant and give you the opportunity to add texture Plastering a concrete wall takes time You will have to prepare the wall and allow for curing and drying time between applications of plaster.
Plaster vs Stucco: What's the Difference? The Craftsman Blog
Step 1 Prepare Your Concrete Walls Before you begin to plaster your concrete walls you need to remove peeling paint and flaking bits of old plaster Your walls should be free of paint oil and dust so the plaster can bond properly Caulk cracks and kill any mold on the walls Use a wire brush to clean stains left by the mold or mortar joints.
Types of plaster 1Cement plaster Cement plaster is a mixture of sand portland cement and water applied to masonry interiors and exteriors to acquire a smooth surface Interior surfaces are occasionally provided with a final layer of gypsum Walls constructed with bricks are usually plastered while brick walls are not encountered 2Clay.
Construction Worker Image Photo Free Trial Bigstock
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Portland Cement Plastering Concrete Masonry Association
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How to Plaster a Wall: 15 Steps (with Pictures) wikiHow
Cement plaster is most often used for exterior walls since it’s highly resistant to the elements and moisture It can also be used for interior walls if needed but it can take longer to set and cure it’s vulnerable to mold and has a very rough texture without punning.