Citra Gell. Citra Fresh Glow Coconut Nourish UV Multifunction Gel diformulasikan khusus untuk pengguna hijab dan busana tertutup Formulanya begitu ringan tidak lengket melembabkan dan mencerahkan menyejukkan kulit wajah & tubuh dengan aroma yang menyegarkan Gunakan sebagai pelembab dan penyejuk kulit seharihari sleeping mask dan primer makeup.

CITRA GEL is an organic orange based gel hand cleaner with built in emollients and mild abrasives CITRA GEL easily removes oil grease fresh paint bitumen fats resin printing ink cement mortar cutting oils glue and paste adhesives.
Citra Gel™ Ecoline Industrial Supply
PDF fileCitra Gel Safety Data Sheet Date of issue 8/17/2015 Revision date 05/15/2015 Version 10 P GHS SDS Page 1 of 7 Product name Citra Gel Use of the substance/mixture Aerosol Product code EA938 Company Ecoline Industrial Supply PO Box 4236 Chatsworth CA 913134236 USA T (800) 4258070 Emergency number (800) 4258070 Classification (GHSUS) Flam Aerosol 1.
Citra Body Gel Fresh White UV 230ml Citra
PDF fileCITRAGEL will not harm most paints or vehicle decals DIRECTIONS SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING Remove cap and spray CITRAGEL Aerosol evenly over the entire dirty surface Allow to work for 12 minutes Flush away loosened grease and grime deposits with water For heavily soiled areas scrub lightly with a stiff bristled brush Repeat as necessary Do NOT apply to.
CITRAGEL Aerosol Share Canada
Drugscom provides accurate and independent information on more than 24000 prescription drugs overthecounter medicines and natural products This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice diagnosis or treatment Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Dec 2021) Cerner Multum™ (updated 1 Jan.
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Baru Citra Fresh White UV Body Gel Kulit lebih dari cerah namun juga segar Formula baru dengan 100% natural essence Fresh Aloe Vera yang kaya dengan multivitamin dan kebaikan wangi mawar putih Citra memberikan nutrisi dan kelembaban yang tahan lama untukmu.