Hessonite Garnet. Hessonite garnet ranges in color from honeyyellow to orangebrown and brownred One of the distinguishing characteristics of hessonite is a “treacly” quality when viewed under magnification one can see undulating contorted areas of lesser transparency These subtle inclusions are a useful key in distinguishing hessonite from other gemstones of similar color.
Hessonite Garnet Gemstone Information Gemselect from 2
Hessonite Garnet Illumination Bracelet $5000 CAD A gem quality variety of garnet this deep orange stone can help you face lifes many challenges with a more balanced mind It is said to help boost confidence and allow you to get clear on your goals and visions It is said to inspire and bring out artistic vision and helps to calm anxiousness.
Facts About Hessonite Garnet: Meanings, Properties, and
Hessonite Garnet Properties Hessonite Garnet is a particular grossularite form of Garnet that is most known for its warm yellow to reddish tones It can exhibit colors like orange dark brownorange and reddishbrown Hessonite Garnet can also occur in other colors like pink and green but it is most known for its cinnamonlike colors.
Grossular Wikipedia
Hessonite or “cinnamon stone” is a common variety of grossular with the general formula Ca 3 Al 2 Si 3 O 12The name comes from the Ancient Greek ἣσσων (hēssōn) meaning inferior an allusion to its lower hardness and lower density than most other garnet species varieties It has a characteristic red color inclining to orange or yellow much like that of zircon.
Hessonite Meaning and Spiritual Properties
Hessonite vs Garnet Published 2 Apr 2020 Views 251 Hessonite noun An orange cinnamon or pinkish garnetGarnet noun (mineral) A hard transparent mineral that is often used as gemstones and abrasives Hessonite noun a garnet ranging in color from yellow to brown Garnet noun A dark red color like that of the gemstone Garnet adjective Of a dark red.
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Hessonite Garnet History, Meanings and Properties
AppearancePersonalityHistoryAbilitiesTrivia She and Garnet shared similarities in abilities body shape hairstyles and eye colors a reference to how hessonite is a type of garnet in real lifeShe was the first swordwielding Gem whose sword was summoned rather than physical like She and Garnet shared similarities in abilities body shape hairstyles and eye colors a reference to how hessonite is a type of garnet in real lifeShe was the first swordwielding Gem whose sword was summoned rather than physical like the ones owned by Rose Quartz and PearlHessonite was the first member of a new Gemtype to be revealed somewhere other than the show.