Papaji Forum. Shanti meeting Papaji in 1994 As I stood there absolutely dumbstruck by his presence and I looked up into those wildly joyous eyes I thought “This is God” Not his form which in itself was a mountainous force but what it was I was seeing in his eyes Later when I heard you speak of “nonabidance in the mind anywhere” I knew that this.
Papaji Sri H L Poonja from SpiritAwake | Conversations to Awaken
In 1966 Papaji retired and settled in Lucknow India where he received visitors until his death in 1997 During this period he echoed Ramana’s recommendation of self inquiry Like Ramana he taught that silence is the best teacher certainly more important than words in pointing to the Truth He pointed his followers to nonduality and the path Ramana Maharshi had advised him.
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This massive threevolume biography of HWL Poonja widely known as Papaji is one of the most comprehensive attempts ever made to document the life and teachings of a selfrealized person Papaji was a direct disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
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PAPAJI ForumFORUM TANYA JAWAB Breeding / Beternak Halaman 2 dari 2 Halaman 2 dari 2 • 1 2 Re Pilih pacek bagus atau babon bagus?? Modesto Thu 28 Feb 2013 1910 Selamat beternak masbrosemoga sukses Modesto Jendral Jumlah posting 1182 Join date 210310 Age 40 Lokasi Ponorogo Like Dislike Re Pilih pacek bagus atau babon.
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Papaji was born as Hariwansh Lal Poonja in 1910 Punjab “Papaji” is in India a respectful way of addressing a father This was how Poonja was addressed by his own children and his Western students started using the same name as a way of showing affection Thus he is known both as Papaji and by his family name Poonja Let there be Peace.
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