One Step Primescript Iii Rt Pcr Kit from
Realtime RTPCR assays for βactin were performed (40 cycles) The lower C T values with the RNeasy Kit demonstrate greater RNA yields With the kit from Supplier A V no transcript was detectable in RNA purified from 10 2 cells |RNeasy Plus Mini Kitあるいは他社のキットを用いて異なるマウス組織(各サンプル10 mg)からトータルRNAをduplicateで精製した。.
RNeasy Plus Mini Kit QIAGEN
Detection assay (see REAGENT SETUP) SYBR Green I (eg Stratagene Brilliant SYBR Green RTqPCR kit cat no 600552 Sigma Aldrich SYBR Green Jumpstart cat no S9194 or Qiagen QuantiTect SYBR.
One Step Primescript Iii Rt Pcr Kit
Nature Quantification of mRNA using realtime RTPCR