Tnt Posindonesia Co Id. Pos Finansial Indonesia (POSFIN) sebagai subsidiary perusahaan dari PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) kini kehadiran dan eksistensinya kian dikenal luas di masyarakat Indonesia Platform yang dapat diakses secara multiscreen & multidevices ini telah memiliki lebih dari 100000 agen yang tersebar di 34 provinsi di Indonesia Faizal Rochma.

That means the eight or ninedigit numbers used to track parcels get reused every three or four weeks The shipment number used to track parcels may not be unique to your shipment This means that your number might bring up a selection of shipments You can identify your shipment from the returned results by date origin and destination.
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Depending on your location your order will be sent to you either using EMS or TNT We are required to provide a commercial invoice for all International Orders including a physical street address and phone number Shipping time is anywhere between 5 to +15 business days depending on the item & destination If you do not receive your package within 30 days of our.
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id English Create account Login Rates & Times Services Shipping guide Track & Trace Support Search Track & Trace Quote Ship now 2021 the customer service phone number for TNT have changed Now you can call the FedEx & TNT Customer Service Hotline at 1 500 342 Learn more Changes to EU VAT rules The EU is making important changes to its VAT rules on July 1 2021.